Parked Domain Services – Infrastructure Upgrades (18th/19th August 2012)

We are shortly commencing the upgrades of all hardware and infrastructure related to the parked domain name services. This will improve security, performance and reliability of all related domain services including:

  • DNS Management
  • Email forwarding
  • Web Forwarding
  • Parked Mailboxes
  • Domain Homepages

These upgrades only concern parked domain name customers and not any hosting accounts will be affected. If your domain name is using name servers other than then this upgrade will not  concern any of your services.

The hardware will be installed and tested by 1st August and migration testing will begin 7th August. We anticipate final completion of the migration to commence weekend 18th/19th August. The entire process will be complete by midnight on Sunday 19th August.

We will disable the Domain Control Panel at 0300 Saturday 18th and it will be re-enabled 0300 Monday 20th. During this period there may be intermittent outages or propagation issues which we endeavour to keep to a minimum. Our priority will be to have the services 100% active by 0300 Monday 20th August.

For information purposes (you do not need to do anything) the parked domain name servers host names will remain the same however the IP addresses will change as follows:

  • -> currently -> changes to
  • -> currently -> changes to

This will mean that there will be a propagation delay between changes however this should cause minimal disruption as both sets of IP addresses will remain active during this period.

Thank you for your patience and support during this time. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

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