What is my POP3 incoming email server?

If you host with UK-Cheapest then your POP3 Incoming email server address will be of the following format,


Replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name.

What is my email username?

If you have hosting with UK-Cheapest then your email username will be of the following format,


Replace username with the email mailbox username.

Replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name.

Please note you must include your domain name in your username in order to connect to your email account.

Do I have webmail on my account?

All hosting accounts have webmail active on the account.

For Plesk accounts, access AtMail as follows:


Any POP email account set-up will be able to receive webmail.

How to set up your first mailbox (POP) in Plesk

Setting up your first Mailbox

Setting up email for your Hosting account can appear a daunting task, especially if its your first time. This easy to follow guide will show you how to set up your first Mailbox which you can use to send and receive email using our excellent AtMail Webmail service.

Once you have a Mailbox you can send/receive email from your account, you can move on to more advanced client setup such as Microsoft Outlook or Windows Mail later, our objective here is to get you up and running and fast and simply as possible.

We are going to setup a Mailbox named “elvis” for the domain name “presley.co.uk“. We will be able to send and receive email from this email address by the end of this short guide.

  1. First we need to create a Mailbox named “elvis”. We do this within your Hosting Control Panel. Log in to your Hosting Control Panel using the details provided in your Hosting Account Settings email. eg:https://www.microlite4.com:8443
  2. Login with your “client?????” username and password. eg: client99999, password pop2drop
  3. Click on “Create Mail Account”.
  4. Enter “elvis” for Mail account name and also enter your own password, for example, we will use “aaron123“. Use another name if your name isn’t Elvis.
  5. That’s it – you can use this Mailbox to send and receive immediately by opening your domain name with the prefix “webmail” in your browser, eg: http://webmail.presley.co.uk
  6. You will now be able to send and receive from “elvis@presley.co.uk” using AtMail webmail.

See other related guides:

That’s all there is to it! If you have any problems simply contact the Helpdesk for further assistance,