How can I delete files that are owned by Apache?

You have full control of all files within your webspace however if you use an application such as WordPress or Joomla to install templates, you will find that the files and directories created are owned by the Apache user.

This is not a problem in itself – until you try to delete the files and directories when clearing up unwanted downloads.

You will need to change the file permissions of the Apache files and directories to that of your FTP user and then proceed to delete them. If you have problems doing this, we can do this for you, contact the Helpdesk and ask for the Apache files and directories to be removed. Do tell us which directories you want us to delete though!

To permanently fix the problem, ask the Helpdesk to set your PHP to run as a FastCGI module (instead of Apache), this will prevent any further Apache ownership issues. This does not delete any existing Apache files. Running PHP as FastCGI has no other effect other than increased performance and better file ownership.

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