Why cant I see my website after uploading?

If you can not see your website after uploading it then this could be down to one of the following common reasons,
a) If this is a new account, then your domain name can take up to 72 hours to fully connect to your hosting account.
b) If your domain name is parked with another company, maybe you have not updated the nameservers as advised when you ordered your hosting.
c) Your home page is not uploaded as index.html
d) You did not include the root folder of /var/www/html/ for Ensim servers and /httpdocs for Plesk within your ftp program prior to uploading.
e) Your computer is loading a cached version of your website, try entering the full home page http://www.yourdomainname.co.uk/index.html
Please check the above prior to raising a ticket.
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