How to: Create DNS SRV Records

sshCreating SRV Records

Some services, such as Microsoft 365, will require SRV records to be created.

SRV records are constructed as follows:

_service._protocolName IN SRV priority weight portNO

The following parameters are needed to fully construct SRV records:

  • Service
  • Protocol
  • Port
  • Weight
  • Priority
  • Name
  • Target
  • TTL

A sample SRV record could look like this:

_https._tcp IN SRV 10 10 443

Microsoft 365 SRV records can look like this:

_sip._tls IN SRV 100 1 443
_sipfederationtis._tcp IN SRV 100 1 5061

Query SRC record with DIG with as such:

# dig srv

;; ANSWER SECTION: 38400 IN SRV 10 10 443

Setting up SRV records can be complicated. Simply contact the Helpdesk with the parameter list and our support staff will construct the SRV record on your behalf.

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