Parallels Plesk Panel Lifecycle Policy

Parallels Plesk Panel Versions

The currently supported Parallels Plesk Panel versions are:

  • Parallels Plesk Panel 11
  • Parallels Plesk Panel 10
  • Parallels Plesk Panel 9

Lifecycle Policy:

  • A major version is defined as any change in the first number of the version number. For example, Plesk 9 and Plesk 10 are different major versions whereas Plesk 10.2 and 10.3 are not different major versions.
  • Parallels will always provide software patches and accept technical support requests for the latest Parallels Plesk Panel major version and the immediately preceding major version.
  • Each major version will be fully supported for at least a period of four (4) years after release.
    • Extended Support: After this 4 year period, the product will no longer be available for new purchases and will continue to receive patches only for critical issues. This will last for a period of six (6) months.
    • End-of-Life: Once the Extended Support period is over, the product will no longer receive further development and technical support requests will no longer be accepted.
  • In order to ensure stable operation, it is required to be on the latest update / patch within a major version. For example, this means the latest 9.5.x version in the Plesk 9 series, the latest 10.4.x in the Plesk 10 series, or the latest 11.0.x in the Plesk 11 series.
  • Support for a particular instance is also dependent on using a currently supported operating system. This policy is described in the relevant section below.
  • Even for unsupported instances, Parallels will continue to accept technical support requests that are related to updating to a supported version or environment.

The below tables describe when specific versions of Parallels Plesk Panel will enter the Extended Support phase and when patches / support will no longer be available for them. If affected by one of the below dates, customers are encouraged to upgrade to a supported Parallels Plesk Panel version.

Version Lifecycle Dates:

Product Released Extended Support End of Life & Support
Parallels Plesk Panel 11 June 13, 2012 June 13, 2016 December 13, 2016
Parallels Plesk Panel 10 November 3, 2010 November 3, 2014 May 3, 2015
Parallels Plesk Panel 9 December 9, 2008 December 9, 2012 June 9, 2013
Parallels Plesk Panel 8 September 20, 2006 March 1, 2012 September 1, 2012
Parallels Small Business Panel* November 3, 2009 August 1, 2011 July 1, 2012
Parallels Plesk Panel 7 and earlier February 10, 2004 n/a January 1, 2012


How to Install ImageMagick on Plesk

Re: ImageMagick on a Plesk Server

ImageMagick is not installed on your Plesk server by default. However, the installation is quite simple using the yum repositories and packages.

# yum install gcc
# yum install ImageMagick
# yum install ImageMagick-devel
# yum install php-pear
# yum install php-devel
# pecl install imagick
# echo "" > /etc/php.d/imagick.ini
# service httpd restart

To test it is working, try the following:

# php -i | grep imagick
imagick module => enabled
imagick module version => 3.0.1
imagick classes => Imagick, ImagickDraw, ImagickPixel, ImagickPixelIterator
imagick.locale_fix => 0 => 0
imagick.progress_monitor => 0 => 0

This output confirms that the module is operating and active. That completes this ImageMagick installation tutorial, we hope you found it useful.

Plesk Backup Manager Not Working – Missing Tables BackupsSettings, BackupsScheduled, BackupsRunning

Re: Backup Manager Not Working in Plesk

If you get the following message when trying to run a backup in Plesk using the Backup Manager then it is likely that a previous upgrade or installation of the Backup Manager did not complete and so there will be some missing tables.

0: common_func.php3:206
db_query(string 'select `value` from `BackupsSettings` WHERE `param` = 'backup_ftp_settinghost' AND `id` = 6 AND `type` = 'domain'')
1: common_func.php3:253
db_query_ex(string 'select `value` from `BackupsSettings` WHERE `param` = '?(paramName)' AND `id` = ?(objectId) AND `type` = '?(objectType)'', array)
2: BackupFTPRepositorySettings.php:205
BackupFTPRepositorySettings->getRepositorySettingsValue(string 'backup_ftp_settinghost')
3: BackupFTPRepositorySettings.php:43
4: BackupFTPRepositorySettings.php:25
5: BackupFTPRepositorySettings.php:283
BackupFTPRepositorySettingsDomain->__construct(integer '6')
6: client.domain.backup.php:8
7: backup.ftp-repository.php:35
8: backup.ftp-repository.php:29
9: backup.abstract-repository.php:44
__backup__abstract_repository->accessItemsList(string 'GET', NULL null)
10: backup.abstract-repository.php:26
__backup__abstract_repository->accessItem(string 'GET', NULL null)
11: UIPointer.php:596
UIPointer->access(string 'GET')
12: plesk.php:38

The Plesk Backup Manager needs the following tables in the PSA database:

  • BackupsSettings
  • BackupsScheduled
  • BackupsRunning

Execute the following SQL in phpMyAdmin to create the missing tables:

`id` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`type` enum('domain','client','server') NOT NULL default 'domain',
`param` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`value` varchar(255) character set utf8 default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `index1` (`id`,`type`,`param`)

`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`obj_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`obj_type` enum('server','reseller','client','domain') NOT NULL,
`repository` enum('local','ftp') NOT NULL default 'local',
`last` datetime default NULL,
`period` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`active` enum('true','false') NOT NULL,
`processed` enum('true','false') NOT NULL,
`rotation` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`prefix` varchar(255) character set utf8 default NULL,
`email` varchar(255) character set utf8 default NULL,
`split_size` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`suspend` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'false',
`with_content` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'true',
`backup_day` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`backup_time` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',

`sessionId` varbinary(250) NOT NULL,
`param` varchar(250) character set ascii NOT NULL,
`val` varbinary(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`sessionId`,`param`)

This will resolve the problem, the Backup Manager will now work correctly!

How to parse PHP in HTML

To parse PHP code inside a .html file you will need to a create a .htaccess file in your document root directory /httpdocs and insert the following code:

AddHandler php-script .html .htm

How do I extend the ‘validity period of domain’ in Plesk?

Re: validity period of domain, validity period is prolonged, extend the validity period

If you get this message then do not worry about the expiry of your domain name or hosting account. This message relates to the period you applied when you added the domain name to your Plesk panel.

The messages usually contain:

  • validity period of domain
  • validity period is prolonged
  • extend the validity period

This problem occurs if you missed out Step 12 in “How to add a domain to multi-domain hosting“.

To resolve, simply log in to your Plesk control panel, select the appropriate domain name, go to Resource Usage and ensure that the “Expiration date” is set to “Never Expires“.